Sustainable Development Goal
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
UN Teams & Partners on the Ground
This list shows who is on the ground in Libya.
Implementing partners
- UN Women
- United Nations Development Programme
- United Nations Population Fund
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- United Nations Children's Fund
- The International Rescue Committee
- Norwegian Refugee Council
- Advocates for Youth
- Agency for Civil Registration
- Agence d'Aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement
- Internaitonal Non Governmental Organization
- Cooperazione e Sviluppo
- International Non-Governmental Organizations
- Libya Social Solidarity Fund
- Administrative Control Authority of Libya
- Libyan Bar Association
- Libyan Central Committee for local elections
- Libyan Civil Society Organizations
- Libyan Customs Department
- Libyan Faith-based organizations
- General Authority for Monitoring Media
- Health Information Center of Libya
- Higher Committee For Children
- High National Elections Committee
- Legal Aid Coalition
- Libya House of Representatives
- Libya Ministry of Health
- Libya Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation
- Libya Ministry of Women Affairs
- Libya Ministry of Education
- Libya Ministry of Finance
- Libya Ministry of Interior
- Libya Ministry of Justice
- Libya Ministry of Local Governance
- Libya Ministry of Planning
- Libya Ministry of Social Affairs
- Libya Ministry of Youth
- Libya National Bureau of Statistics and Census
- Libya Presidential Council
- Libyan Local Media Partners
- Libyan Municipal Councils
- Libyan Municipalities
- Libyan Municipality Mayor
- Libyan Private Sector
- Libya Social Security Fund
- Libya Supreme Judicial Council
- The National Committee of Libyan Experts
- The Libyan Office of the Attorney General
- United Nations Development Program - Local Elections Program
- Libyan Universities
Investing partners
- International Labour Organisation
- International Organization for Migration
- United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- UN Women
- United Nations Development Programme
- United Nations Population Fund
- United Nations Children's Fund
- Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
- Government of Norway
- UNICEF Child Protection Thematic Fund
- Government of the United States of America
- The United Nations Support Mission in Libya
- Government of Germany
- Government of Spain
- The European Union
- Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- Government of Finland
- Government of France
- Government of Italy
- Government of Canada
- Government of the Netherlands
- UN Trust Fund for Human Security
- The UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund
- JP Libya LNCB
- UNHCR Multidonor
- Agence Française de Développement
- Switzerland Committee for UNICEF
- Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
- UNICEF Global Thematic Humanitarian Fund
- United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund
- Government of Libya
- European Union Border Assistance Mission
- United States Institute of Peace
Source: UN INFO
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